“L.B. Day was absolutely critical in enabling the results we have gotten so far. He neutralized negative polarization that existed between the companies, and he got all parties to open their minds and focus on the win for both companies. Bringing in L.B. Day & Company was the best move we could have made. ”
“I have benefited from LB’s planning, facilitation, and team development services for over 25 years and plan to continue to do so. LB has the ability to customize his services and approach for the specific circumstances facing each client, and for the different stages through which companies progress and grow. This includes specific efforts with key management teams or with broad-based strategic planning efforts. These always have a very positive impact, addressing, meeting, and usually exceeding well-defined objectives. For example, LB recently led Northwest Evaluation Association through a very comprehensive strategic planning process that included not only an identification of internal goals and strategies but also a review of customer and market perceptions that proved unusually constructive and informative as we considered our direction in the face of a rapidly changing market. We are now nearing the end of the first year of the plan, and the insights and organizational alignment that came out of the process have been highly successful.
I am pleased to provide LB with my highest positive recommendation. ”
— Matt Chapman, CEO, NWEA
“In both my operating and human-resource management roles, L.B. has been my “go-to guy” since 1993. If there is team dysfunction, a leadership problem or strategic misalignment, he identifies the problem and recommends corrective action. Particularly in the areas of organizational design and leadership development and training, he engenders trust throughout the organization and is welcomed as a coach and advisor. He has performed Board of Director assessments for us, and presents to the Board in a manner responsive to their needs. He was also a superb Board member when called on to perform in that capacity in a prior company. His training, team development and evaluation services are a regular part of our learning and growth initiatives.
I have also had the pleasure of working with both Bob Harmon and Jim Doran. Process improvement and operational efficiency have become increasingly important to our success, and based on their decades of experience, Bob and Jim have provided insights and recommendations that brought timely and innovative changes to our services organization. The ability to see beyond what is to what needs to be, and to operationalize recommendations without destroying or derailing an organization, seem increasingly rare; we value their skills and creative approaches.
I am pleased to recommend L.B. Day & Company without reservation. ”
— Robert Chamness, Chief Legal Officer and Secretary, Digimarc Corporation
“I have worked with Dr. Robert Harmon for more than two decades in several capacities within Ameron and most recently in his association with LB Day & Company. His work in market forecasting, market research, product development, strategic market planning, and scenario development has enabled us to strengthen our capabilities to anticipate and align our response to emerging opportunities. His marketing, sales, and strategy recommendations have been spot-on. Recently, we engaged Dr. Harmon and his associates L.B. Day and Jim Doran to assist us with strategic planning, organizational development, and manufacturing process improvement. Their comprehensive approach greatly enhanced our strategic capabilities, organizational culture and effectiveness, and manufacturing execution. I look forward to working with this team in future. ”
— David Tantaleon, Executive Vice President, Ameron Corporation
“L.B. Day & Company partners with management teams and key stakeholders to leverage their combined experience in assessing a company’s unique situation. Through an engaging and interactive process, they develop goals, key initiatives, and action plans to accomplish and measure progress, provide mentoring, and celebrate success. Having Mr. Day and his team on my team in four companies over the last 30 years has been a rewarding experience for all of the companies’ shareholders.”
— Bill Staunton, CEO Ramtron Corporation
“Constar commissioned L.B. Day & Company to conduct a Voice of the Customer study to assess customer perceptions of the company as it emerged from bankruptcy. With a new CEO and new board members, we wanted an unbiased view of Constar’s strengths and weaknesses from the customer perspective. The company’s key customers and other industry experts were asked to share their perception of the company, including its performance as a supplier, its market position, strategy, resources, capabilities, and possible growth opportunities. Obviously it is critically important when asking customers to speak candidly and openly to a third party that the interviewer be credible, well prepared, and fully understand the context of what he is hearing to get the most information possible from a brief interview. And because of the commitment that none of the responses would be identifiable, it is equally important that the information be synthesized in a way that fully reports what was learned while respecting the confidentiality obligation. L.B. Day and Robert Harmon of L.B. Day & Company handled the interviews in a way that generated very positive customer reaction, and they delivered a report that identified strong and clear themes for action, correlated to our strategy. L.B. and Robert played a critical and positive role in quickly bringing the new board and management team together on priorities at a critical moment.”
— Jim Bolton, Executive Vice President, Strategic Planning, Constar
“I have worked with LB and his team at two different companies, and have experienced the same positive experience in both cases. Neither company had clear visions or directions for the future. Going through the process with LB provided us the opportunity to define where we were, what we were good (and bad) at, and where we wanted to go four to five years out, and then begin to put together the roadmap to achieve success in the future. LB’s process is highly collaborative and enjoyable. The employees were engaged and active. What is probably most important is that the employees came out of the processes committed to “their” plan. LB’s process provides the proper milestones and metrics that movement can be continuously monitored and measured. At my previous company, we brought LB back on an annual basis to continually adjust and verify the vision. It is my intention to do the same at my current company.”
— Bob Djokovich, Executive Vice President, Techwise Corporation
“The DuPont Air Products NanoMaterials JV initially utilized the services of L. B. Day & Company to develop organizational alignment around the aspiration of becoming a top- tier supplier of planarization materials to the IC Industry. L.B. helped the management team from two corporate cultures come together and develop a vision, mission and culture that helped organize and align our entire company around achieving market success.
The venture then continued to use L.B. and his team to work on various aspects of organizational development, such as executive team development and coaching. My entire executive management team and I benefited from these activities. Additionally, they greatly assisted with helping our leadership team develop a formal Strategic Plan, which also involved helping our board of directors to coalesce around the strategic elements which then fueled our significant market growth. The passion, energy and contagious, winning attitude of L.B. and his team enabled us to far exceed the goals established for the venture. I highly recommend the process employed by L.B. and his team in any drive to ensure the proper planning is in place to maximize successful results.”
— Ed Shober, Former CEO and Chairman, DuPont Air Products NanoMaterials
“L.B. Day & Company enabled our team and our supplier’s team to better appreciate each other’s perspective, then to make joint proposals which will lead to improvements to both our operations.”
— Neal Polin, Director 300mm Special Projects, IBM